Landor: Milan Symphony Orchestra’s Growing Uptempo

Woman wearing black playing the drums with the Milan Symphony Orchestra logo in white

Landor: Milan Symphony Orchestra’s Growing Uptempo

Orchestrating an iconic rebrand to drive growth

In an effort to deepen its existing connection to the Milanese community and reach younger generations, Landor led a major rebranding effort for the Milan Symphony Orchestra, aligning its identity with Milan's vibrant culture. By embracing the orchestra's deep ties to the city, Landor revamped its communication strategy under the theme of "Growing Uptempo."

This concept reflects the orchestra's growth in repertoire, audience engagement and cultural impact. Inspired by Milan's dynamic spirit and infused with action, passion and emotion, Landor created a design language that resonates with the city's essence and the essence of music itself to make the brand more accessible to a wider audience.

A key part of this transformation was developing the custom typeface TUMB TUMB, blending elements of classic Futura with architectural motifs from Milan's Duomo. This fusion captures Milan's rich heritage while injecting energy into the typography to mirror the orchestra's diverse musical range.

Drawing from the Futurist art movement, the brand's colour palette mirrors Milan's cultural diversity and creative energy. This broad range of colours allows the brand to expressively navigate different genres, reflecting Milan's inclusive creative ethos.

The rebranding effort produced tangible results, fostering strategic partnerships and resonating strongly with younger audiences. This meaningful connection translated into notable business growth, with a significant 56.9% increase in sales and record-breaking box office revenue, highlighting the effectiveness of the refreshed brand identity in driving commercial success.